Department of English & Social Sciences
The Department of Social Sciences was functioning since, 2016 as one of the major department in Sri Krishnadevaraya College of Horticultural Sciences, Ananthapuramu. The department is envisaged to provide excellent and high quality education in the field of agricultural economics, Statistics and Communication Skills. The department is offering different courses in agricultural economics for undergraduate student’s viz., Fundamentals of Economics, Agricultural Marketing, Farm Management Production and Resource Economics and Agribusiness management as per guidelines of Dr. YSRHU. The basic courses in under graduate programme provide an excellent platform for those going to professionals as well as higher studies in Horticulturall Economics, The main objective of the statistics department is to impart basic knowledge to the students, Introduction to Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications in Agriculture and on various aspects of in providing data as well as tools to analyze the data, some powerful techniques of probability, Test of Significance , Analysis of Variance, Sampling versus Complete Enumeration, Calculus , Applications of MS-Office for creating, Editing and Formatting a document, Data presentation & uses of DBMS in Agriculture skills learnt in Statistics and skill development
The department of extension education and communication is established under Srikrishna devaraya horticultural college in 2016 with motto of teaching undergraduate courses. The main objective of extension education and communication is to train the students in using extension techniques, methods and communication technologies to disseminate innovative technologies, research findings and farm information to the farmers. Helped in providing location specific production technology information to the farmers by conducting Rythusadashu, training programmes, exhibitions at village level. The department of extension education and communication is also coordinating the RAWE programme of undergraduate students through which the students are exposed to the current & emerging opportunities and challenges in agriculture, rural development and learning farm activities from the farmers through learning by doing and learning by seeing. RAWE programmme is very good programme to bring positive changes in the mindset, personality and improve the ability to handle real life situation and challenges in the farming community.